
ACG - Área de Conservación Guanacaste

BLM - [U.S.A.] Bureau of Land Management

Bor. - borough (political subdivision)

brk. - brook

BTNP - Big Thicket National Preserve (eastern Texas, U.S.A.)

co. - county (political subdivision)

crk. - creek

cyn. - canyon, cañon

Dpto. - Departamento (political subdivision)

Dept. - Department (political, or other organizational, subdivision)

Dépt. - Département (political subdivision)

Edo. - Estado (state) (political subdivision)

GMNP - Gros Morne National Park, Isl of Newfoundland, Prov. of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

GPNF - Gifford Pinchot National Forest (Oregon and Washington, U.S.A.)

GSMNP - Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S.A.)

hwy. - highway

Inst. - Institute, Institut, Institudo, etc.

Isl. - Island, Isla, Isle, Île, etc.

Libr. - Library

Mgmt. - Management, as in "Wildlife Management Area"

MHNF - Mount Hood National Forest (Oregon, U.S.A.)

Mpio. - Municipio (political subdivision)

n.v. - (with reference to a publication or a collection) not seen.

Nac. - Nacional (national)

NAMA - North American Mycological Association

Nat. - National

NEMF - Northeast Mycological Foray

NJMA - New Jersey Mycological Association

ONP - Olympic National Park (U.S.A.)

P. N. - Parque Nacional

p.p. - in part

Parq. - Parque (park)

PEEC - Pocono Environmental Education Center

Pk. - Park

Pres. - Preserve, as in "National Wildlife Preserve"

Prov. - Province, Provincia, etc. (political subdivision)

r. - river

rd. - road

s.d. - (in a list of material examined) without a date, date lacking.

s.n. - (in a list of material examined) without a [collector's] number, lacking a [collector's] number.

St. - State (political subdivision)

std. - standard deviation

stn. - station

t.b.d. - to be developed

Twp. - Township (political subdivision)

Univ. - University, universidad, université, etc.

WMA - Wildlife Mgmt. Area

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